About Staff:
The City provides a wide range of services including police protection, water supply, sanitary sewer collection and treatment, stormwater collection, public works operations, road maintenance, building and inspection services, development planning, and general administrative services. The City of Genoa employs approximately 21 full-time employees and 25 part-time employees to provide these services across four departments: Community Development, Finance Department, Police Department, Public Works Department, and Community Development as shown in the Organizational Chart. Staff operates out of two locations: the Municipal Building (333 East First Street) and the Public Works Building (100 Madison Street).
Customer Service Mission Statement:
Each City of Genoa employee will provide professional, courteous, and timely responses to the service and information needs of the public and, to the best of their ability, work to remedy citizen concerns. Employees will work with colleagues in a manner premised upon respect, dignity, understanding, and cooperation so each may fulfill their responsibilities effectively.