City of Genoa Municipal Code

The Municipal Code is the set of laws for the City of Genoa. The Municipal Code covers most aspects of City regulations. Zoning and various development related requirements are continued in the Unified Development Ordinance, Title 11 of the Municipal Code, located here. Below are links for the nine titles that consist the Municipal Code.

All zoning district standards are included in the Unified Development Ordinance. In addition, standards for development review, parking, signs, variances and other similar topics are included in the Unified Development Ordinance.

Aside from development standards, other City regulations are also included in the Municipal Code, such as vehicle and traffic requirements.

The formatting and pagination of this web version of the code may vary from the official hard copy of the code. This web version of the code is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect all of, or the most current, legislation that has been passed. Prior to any action being taken, please consult the City for any ordinances that have been enacted that are not contained in this web version. In case of any discrepancy between this web version and the official ordinances, the ordinances prevail.

Updated 12/15/2024