Property Maintenance

The basic goal of property maintenance is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Property maintenance codes establish minimum maintenance requirements for all existing structures and properties within the City of Genoa. Property Maintenance includes, but is not limited to, property maintenance, unkempt lawns, accumulation of debris, etc. Enforcing property maintenance codes will help improve property values and the overall condition of each neighborhood. The City of Genoa’s Community Service Officer as well as Building Official inspect housing, accessory structures, and properties to ensure that these features are being maintained in good repair and in a sanitary condition.

Report a Property Maintenance Violation

To report a property maintenance violation, please call City Hall at (815) 784- 2327.

If you receive a citation from the City of Genoa Police Department following a property maintenance inspection, this is because you did not make the necessary repairs as cited in the report. You will be required to attend the City’s Administrative Adjudication which is on the date at the bottom of the citation. The City of Genoa’s goal through the Administrative Adjudication process is for residents to achieve compliance.  If compliance is not achieved prior to the Court date, a trial may be set to allow the Judge to determine if you are liable (violation exists) or not liable (violations have been repaired). If you are found liable, the judge will assess a fine for each violation that exists.


If you receive a violation notice from the City, read the entire notice and make sure you understand the violation and the timeline expected for compliance. If you have any questions, contact the City of Genoa at (815) 784-2327  to be put in contact with the inspector who conducted the inspection. The inspector can provide additional detail regarding the nature of the deficiencies. 

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