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City Receives Riverfront Enhancement Grant

PRESS RELEASE- August 29, 2017- City of Genoa


The City of Genoa is proud to announce that it has received a Community Economic Development Grant from the DeKalb County Community Foundation. The Foundation’s Community Economic Development Grant program’s goal is to support economic planning and to implement projects that support economic development plans already created by communities. The City of Genoa, through the SOARing Project, underwent economic development planning in 2014 in which several goals were identified such as enhancing the riverfront and ensuring the success of community events. The City has witnessed increased popularity of the riverfront use, in which additional parking has been needed. The riverfront is also an economic development strength in the community, providing space for events and recreational activities that attract not only Genoa residents but also residents from several surrounding communities.

Since these goals were identified, the City of Genoa has installed a canoe launch and an access road, making it easier for residents to access the riverfront. Furthermore, the City also installed a gravel parking lot for residents who utilize the canoe launch or attend one of the many community events and amenities at the riverfront. Although the City was able to start the project, the access path for the canoe launch and the parking lot are still gravel due to the high cost for paving.

In applying for the DeKalb County Community Foundation Grant, the objective for the City’s Riverfront Enhancement Project is threefold. In order to both enhance the riverfront and ensure the success of future community events, through the grant funds provided by the Foundation, the City will be paving the canoe access road, the parking lot off of Madison Street, and providing the Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce with funds for staff time supporting community events. The paving of the canoe access road and parking lot are tentatively scheduled to begin Spring 2018.

The City of Genoa would like to thank the DeKalb County Community Foundation for granting the City funds to continue enhancement of the riverfront.

With any questions, please contact Alyssa Seguss at (815) 784-7106.

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