City Council Agendas and Minutes
The City Council meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building at 333 East First Street Genoa, IL 60135.All meetings are open to the public.
2023 Agendas and Minutes
Archived City Council Agendas | Archived City Council Minutes |
*A request for older agendas and/or minutes can be emailed to
Committee of the Whole Agendas and Minutes
The City Council Committee of the Whole meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building at 333 East First Street Genoa, IL 60135.All meetings are open to the public.
Archived Committee of the Whole Agendas and Minutes |
*A request for older agendas/minutes can be emailed to