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Trick-or-Treating Hours Update

The City has received several inquiries as to whether Halloween trick-or-treating will be postponed due to the forecasted snow. Previously determined trick-or-treat hours will not be postponed and will remain from 4 pm to 7 pm tomorrow, October 31st. Have a safe and happy Halloween!


North-East End of Town Hydrant Flushing- October 23rd

Hydrant flushing will be conducted on the North-East side of town (from North of Railroad Avenue to North of Second Street between B Street and Eureka Street) on Wednesday, October 23rd, from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm. Flushing will continue on Thursday if needed.

Hydrant flushing removes sediment and iron deposits within the system that cause water discoloration. Adjacent neighborhoods may experience discolored water due to sediment that may be stirred up in the system. If this occurs, please run your cold water until it is clear.

Public Works conducts hydrant flushing on an annual basis to maintain water quality.


October 21, 2019 Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant flushing will be conducted on the North-East side of town (from North of Route 72 to Railroad Avenue between Hadsall Street and Prairie Street) on Monday, October 21st, from 9:30 am until 2:30 pm. Flushing will continue on Tuesday if needed.

Hydrant flushing removes sediment and iron deposits within the system that cause water discoloration. Adjacent neighborhoods may experience discolored water due to sediment that may be stirred up in the system. If this occurs, please run your cold water until it is clear.

Public Works conducts hydrant flushing on an annual basis to maintain water quality.



North Water Tower Going Online

From the City’s Public Works Director:

Nobody wants to turn on the faucet and be greeted by brown water that is caused by sediment and rust in the City’s water system pipes. I understand that some residents had extremely brown mucky water, which makes the problem even more difficult. I sincerely apologize for those affected by the situation. Moving forward, we intend to issue additional “Code Red” notifications. The notifications will help provide awareness to those that may experience water quality issues due to problems with the City’s water system.

The “Code Red” notification would be issued when the water system problems have the potential of effecting a large area of the City and not necessarily during an isolated water main break.

After testing the water in the tower, the City received notification from the IEPA that the water tower can be put back into service. We do not anticipate having many of the issues that we experienced when filling the water tower, nevertheless, we issued a “Code Red” to inform the residents of the situation. City Staff will be putting the water tower into service tomorrow, Thursday (October 10, 2019) at 9 am. This may cause a disturbance in the water system. If you experience water quality issues, please contact City Hall (815) 784- 2327.

©2024 City of Genoa, IL.