Public Works Divisions
Public Works Divisions
Public Works Director
The Public Works Director oversees all aspects of the Public Works Department. The Director is responsible for implementing the City’s goals and objectives while providing guidance to the supervisors to ensure the activities in their divisions are meeting the City’s expectations. The Director is responsible for making certain that the City’s water, sewer, stormwater, and road systems are maintained and operated in compliance with the City, State, and Federal Laws. The Director is also responsible for the Public Works Department adhering to City policies and procedures to ensure safe work practices and a healthy work environment for the employees. The Director works with the other City departments on a regular basis to address issues concerning the City and to prepare the annual budget. He also works with the City’s consulting engineers and attorneys on matters concerning infrastructure improvements, land development, and compliance issues. He is responsible for managing the maintenance of all City-owned facilities and the Municipal Center.
Director of Public Works: Lucas Smith
Streets Division
The Street Division is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repairs to all public streets, alleys, sidewalks, parkway trees, storm sewers, and detention basins as well as traffic signals, signage, and markings. The Street Division also maintains downtown street lighting, banners, public spaces throughout the City, and the pedestrian bridge. The Division performs snow removal, ice control, street sweeping, tree trimming, brush pickup, grounds restoration, weed control, and mowing.
The City maintains 47 lane miles of roads. Maintenance to the streets, alleys, and stormwater collection system is performed year-round. Street sweeping is primarily done during the warmer months to remove debris from curb inlets to reduce surface flooding.
Forestry Division
The City maintains over 2,000 trees that are located in the parkways along the streets throughout the community and City parkways along the streets, City parks, and open space throughout the community. These trees create the City’s urban forest that provides many benefits to the residents. The Forestry Division performs citywide tree trimming, brush pickup, and mowing operations. This Division maintains the pedestrian bridge and pathway along with the park pavilion located at Citizens Park.
Sewer Collection and Treatment Division
The Sewer Collection and Treatment Division operates, maintains, and makes repairs to all public sanitary collection sewer mains and appurtenances, including the replacement, cleaning, and inspections of sewer mains and manholes. The Sewer Division also operates and maintains the City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant, excess flow holding pond, and three lift stations.
- The sewer collection system is a network of different sized sewer mains and lift stations that receive the sewage from a service connection that is maintained by the property owner. The City maintains an estimated 24 miles of sanitary sewer mains, along with sewer manholes. Sewer flushing is performed to remove any obstructions that may cause a blockage in the sewer pipe. Sewer mains and manhole structures are repaired or replaced to reduce water infiltration from entering the sewer system creating additional flow capacity at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- The City treats on average .67 million gallons per day (245 million gallons per year) of wastewater. Several types of samples are collected and tested to meet the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s required discharge permit. Process control testing is also performed to determine the Plant’s efficiency. The Wastewater Treatment Plant was built in 1976. Preventative maintenance is performed to ensure proper operation and to reduce repair costs to the facility and equipment.
Water Supply, Distribution and Metering Division
The Water Division operates, maintains, and provides repairs to all public water distribution mains, valves, water service lines, B-boxes, fire hydrants, and appurtenances. This includes replacements, inspections, and sampling of the water distribution system. The Water Division also operates and maintains the City’s three water-pumping wells, the iron removal treatment plant, two elevated storage tanks, and performs Citywide meter reading. Staff also responds to JULIE locates for excavation work within the City limits and conducts water and sewer line inspections.
- The City pumps on average 0.55 million gallons of water a day (200 million gallons a year). The water is treated with chlorine and fluoride to ensure compliance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and the Public Health Department. The City adds polyphosphate to the water to help with iron deposits in the distribution system. Sampling and testing is performed at each of the waterworks facilities and throughout the City’s water distribution system. Preventative maintenance is performed to ensure proper operation and to reduce repair costs to the facility equipment.
- Water pressure is maintained throughout the water distribution system from two elevated storage tanks that have a combined storage capacity of 550,000 gallons. The City maintains an estimated 31 miles of water distribution mains and 1800 service lines with B-boxes. The B-box provides the access to the water shutoff valve to each property’s water service line. The Water Division maintains all fire hydrants and isolation valves throughout the water distribution system. Hydrant flushing is performed to enhance the quality of water by removing any sediment that may be present in the water mains. Valve exercising and hydrant maintenance are performed throughout the water distribution system to ensure proper operation.
- The City maintains over 2000 water meters throughout the community and the utility bills are mailed to the customers on a monthly basis. The City’s meter program is designed to replace older meters to ensure that the usage charge is accurate and the meter is registering correctly. Meters are replaced every 10-15 years.